Friday, December 26, 2008

bordem and funn

hi everyone the other day i got my first cell phone for chanukah its the palm centro in white it pretty cool and tonight we got rock band 2 its sooo much fun but after an hour we got in trouble t was loud and now we r watching james bond movies i think there boring and confusing so right now im waiting for it to end so here r somethings to do when u r bored lie down go on the computer go on the phone make a mustache with a pencil its easy u just put it on ur nose and it might stay hmmm wat eles go make a blog write posts text people on the phone go on aim or msn email go on clubpemguin or miniclip come to our website watch a movie watch tv fiddle around with clothing go to bed play on the ds play on a gaming product or you can just do nothing at all just sit or stand have fun doing all these things hope u wont get bored merry christmas happy chanuukah and have a happy new year rebecca p.s if u need this bathroom its this way >

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